How I Will Use Catagories

The way that I will use the categories and tags in word press are very simple-use appropriate tags for each post, and try to get more and more clicks on my blog posts. The reason that I will add tags, other than I am forced to, is to narrow down my posts into a certain category and so people that are looking for posts like mine, they see mine. Using tags are important because then, in that category, they can search for certain words and can find my posts/site even quicker.

Creating Hyperlinks

Creating hyperlinks are a great thing for your website. They are not a detractor, so much as an attraction. When you see a hyperlink to another website, and you are looking for information, it’s kind of like the author of the page going “this is true, and here is a source saying that what I’m saying is true”. Of course, you should always check the link, and check your information on a site that they didn’t link just to be sure. Another way that hyperlinks are a great thing on your website, is if you are trying to sell something. You can add a hyperlink to forums on the internet saying how they use the product that you are trying to sell, or how much they like the product. You can also create a link to a competitors page, and show your potential customer that you have a better deal. The only problem if you are going to do that on a business scale, you might run into some sort of copyright infringement issues or something. One way that hyperlinks might not be such a good idea for your site is if the link doesn’t open in a new tab. If your site’s link to an external site gets rid of your page, people might not be able to find your site again, or if something on their site contradicts what you are saying. On a business level, you might metaphorically shooting yourself in the foot if your competitor has a better deal on the product that you are trying to sell. That is my two cents on hyper links, and there is more if you click here.

About me
2016-17 Classes
about webpages

See what I did there?


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I believe that the statement “Images and visuals are one of the primary ways for us to communicate information now.  We need to take a step back from the text and think more about the visual.” is a very true statement, because usually the thing that catches people’s attention first, whether it is a website, book, or nearly anything, they see an image that captures their attention.

I felt very unchanged when “going visual with images” because I chose three random images that I thought looked decent, and they all capture a different setting. The small image captures the night sky lit up with the northern lights, and the medium sized image captures a lade and a green hillside, while the largest image has the Eiffel tower on a dreary day.

I don’t see any features that have changed or that have been moved, although I didn’t spend  a whole lot of time looking at the interface last time I was using WordPress.